Susie and Paul's Gardens
Schuylerville, NY
Alpine/rock garden, Garden structure/sculpture, Rare plants/plant collection, Water feature, Woodland/shade garden
These gardens have changed somewhat since I last showed the garden for Open Days, but they still include the formal parterre. I have teamed up with my partner, Paul Schneider, an avid horticulturist and sculptor. With his help we have been able to make more use of the property by opening up beds and growing the more unusual or rare plants that we find. The rock gardens and containers holding rock garden plants and rocks are multiplying rapidly and are being placed throughout the garden beds along with Paul's sculptures, making for a more interesting overall effect.
Open Days 2024: Saturday, June 29
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- This garden allows photography
- Partial wheelchair access
- Nature-friendly
Schuylerville, Saratoga County, NY, 12871