Digging Deeper: Planting with Pollinators in Mind: A Guided Walk through Olana’s Legacy Landscape

Digging Deeper: Planting with Pollinators in Mind: A Guided Walk through Olana’s Legacy Landscape

Credit Peter Aaron

Olana State Historic Site

Sat, May 25, 2024
3:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Over the course of 40 years, the artist Frederic Church worked to create, build, and design Olana’s 250-acre landscape. With more than 5 miles of carriage roads, scenic views, a man-made lake, and native plantings, the site is both a living landscape painting and a vibrant and diverse ecosystem for native pollinators.

Join The Olana Partnership, master gardener and environmental educator Nordica Holochuck, and beekeeper Chris Layman from Fox Farm Apiary for a special walk and workshop to learn more about how to create pathways for pollinators in your own garden inspired by the legacy of Church’s garden design at Olana. During the program, participants will learn more about pollinator pathways, how Church’s landscape and garden design intersected with environ­mental thinking, the way Olana serves as a haven for pollinator habitat, and how the Olana Partnership works closely with Fox Farm Apiary to manage beehives onsite.

The program will consist of a guided walk along 1.75 miles of historic carriage road, participatory conversation with program guides, and culminate with wine and cheese reception in a special location outside Olana’s main house. Special tastings of Olana’s own honey will be provided.

Learn more at olana.org

Olana State Historic Site
Hudson, NY

Date and Time:
Saturday, May 25
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.