Victorian Stumpery Garden

Vashon Island, WA
Alpine/rock garden, Garden structure/sculpture, Water feature, Woodland/shade garden
My former wife, Pat Riehl, created this garden in 2010 with the help of British fern expert Martin Rickard. The idea of using stumps as a major garden element was first used in mid-nineteenth-century England. Stumps are removed from the ground, arranged either on their side or upside down. Areas around them are planted with ferns or other shade-loving plants. There are 250 stumps arranged in a 10,000 sq. foot area. There is a stump tunnel and a stump grotto. You will walk down a set of stairs and go through the tunnel. Douglas fir tower overhead, and thirteen tree ferns on either side of the pathway. There are two fern tables, a fern chair, and fern bench to engage your eye. It is a MAGICAL PLACE.
This garden's estimated size is ⅓ acre.
Open Days 2024: Sunday, June 9
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
New garden or feature
- This garden allows photography
Vashon Island, King County, WA, 98070